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Benedetto Vinaccesi

Two cantatas for bass voice and basso continuo
Belve, se mai provaste
Dal tuono il lampo aspetta
Su la sponda d'un rio
Or fia mai vero, o lontananza infida
Ingratissima Clori
Filli, un solo tuo sguardo

The editor's authority is clear,
but his tone is thoroughly engaging.
He and the publishers are to be
congratulated on producing such
stylish editions . . .

The Consort,Summer 2005, Vol. 61

Benedetto Vinaccesi has only recently begun to emerge from the shadows. Born in Brescia c.1666 into a family of merchants, Vinaccesi learned the organ and possibly other instruments from Pietro Pelli, a former director of music (capo musico) at the city's cathedral. His first published compositions were a highly original collection of chamber sonatas. In 1698 Vinaccesi had the good fortune to be elected maestro di coro at the Ospedaletto (Derelitti) one of Venice's four famous ospedali grandi. To this post he added that of organist at the ducal churh of S. Marco, which he gained in 1704. Until his death in 1719 he held a highly respected place in Venetian musical life.

Extracted from Michael Talbot's Preface to HH100
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