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Jean-Baptiste Quentin

Six trio sonatas, Op. 19 volume 2

Two violins, bass viol or cello and harpsichord
(Plus flute and bassoon in Sonata 5 only)

edited by Michael Talbot
Leaflet Music example Sonata No. 4 (pdf)
Leaflet Music example Sonata No. 5 (pdf)
Leaflet Music example Sonata No. 6 (pdf)

Quentin’s trio sonatas are impressive for their command of all the elements of musical composition, particularly counterpoint (fugues are one of his specialities). They mix French and Italian elements attractively and vary the movement types employed intelligently so as to give each work individuality. Op. 19 was his last collection and in places looks forward to the Classical era. The sonatas are equally suited to recreational and concert use and deserve to stand alongside their companion works by such composers as Leclair and Mondonville.

Look inside

Six trio sonatas, Op. 19, volume 2
hh616.fsp · ISMN 979-0-708213-30-7 · ISBN 978-1-914137-74-7
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