This short four-part motet, O Lux Beata Trinitas, plays upon the idea of the Trinity by assigning each voice only three notes. Contemplative and deeply expressive in character, it is most suited to liturgical use, yet its austere beauty would enhance any concert programme of a cappella choral music.
O lux beata Trinitas, |
O blessed light, the Trinity, |
Et principalis unitas, |
And principal Unity, |
Iam sol recedit igneus, |
Now the fiery sun recedes, |
Infunde lumen cordibus. |
Pour light into our hearts. |
Te mane laudum carmine, |
To you praises in the morning, |
Te deprecemur vespere: |
To you prayers in the evening: |
Te nostra supplex gloria |
To you our humble glory |
Per cuncta laudet sæcula. |
Through all the ages. |
Deo Patri sit gloria, |
To God the Father be glory |
Eiusque soli Filio, |
And to the only Son, |
Cum Spiritu paraclito, |
With the comforting Spirit |
Et nunc, et in perpetuum. |
Now evermore. |
St Ambrose